German Business Owner Builds Million-Dollar Business with ZERO Advertising Expenditure By Reading Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring

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Contact: Alan Friedman

German Business Owner Builds Million-Dollar Business with ZERO Advertising Expenditure By Reading MARKETING WITHOUT MEGABUCKS: HOW TO SELL ANYTHING ON A SHOESTRING

NORTHAMPTON, MA, USA: It's not every day that a book makes someone a millionaire. Yet Georg Schlomka of Germany lays credit for his success on Shel Horowitz's book, Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring

"Thank you for your wonderful book 'Marketing without Megabucks.' It is the single most profitable investment I've ever made. With its superb advice, I managed to build a small company turning over close to 1,000,000 US Dollars a year within 2 years and I have not spent a single penny on paid advertising! With our special computer-noise reduction products we have obtained front-page coverage with the most important German computer magazine, and have been featured in 13 other magazines and newspapers. We (rather the product) even have been featured twice on TV...

"Starting this year, we employ 5 people, and estimated turnover for 1999 is 1,400,000 US Dollars. Most helpful were the chapters on working the media, and on customer service/referrals. (20% of our new business comes from referrals.)"

--Georg Schlomka, A Conto GmbH, Germany

To visit Georg's English-language Web page about his computer noise reduction products, please click here.

The book, written by AWM's director, Shel Horowitz, is a 384-page comprehensive guide to inexpensive, effective marketing and publicity, including major sections on press coverage, advertising, direct mail, and self-made marketing. Originally published in 1993 by Simon & Schuster, it is now available exclusively through the author's firm, with an extensive update. Including shipping and the e-mail update, the book is $20 US in the US or Canada. A Korean-language edition has also been published. Click here to see the table of contents, excerpts, press reviews and testimonials for Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring.

Click here to order your personal copy.

Horowitz founded Accurate Writing & More in 1981, and has used the techniques in this book to turn his company into the largest firm of its type in a three-county service area. AWM now serves clients on three continents

Horowitz is available for press interviews. Journalists may request a review copy of the book. For more information, call (413) 586-2388, visit, or e-mail .

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Click here to explore Ken Evoy's excellent site for marketers--learn how to Make Your Site Sell Does your marketing dollar never seem to go far enough for the results you achieve? What if you had a roadmap to achieve marketing success at astonishingly low cost?

Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World
320 oversize 7.75" x 10" pages, aimed at business and organizations that want to market nationally and internationally, or for those who'd like to use the Internet (9 chapters out of 39). $22.95 plus shipping--just published!

Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring
384 6" x 9" pages, 24 chapters, aimed at the local business or nonprofit who does not plan to market online. Only $8 plus shipping--while supplies last!

This site is brought to you by Shel Horowitz and Dina Friedman, Directors of Accurate Writing & More--bringing you marketing, writing, and career assistance since 1981.
(800) 683-WORD or (413) 586-2388